INAK, o.z.
Veternícka 112/9, 967 01 Kremnica, Slovak republic
tel: +421 940 603751

Should you need any support, please keep in touch with your country coordinator of SEL FOR SCHOOLS program:

🇬🇧 In the UK: Claire Abercrombie, Learning through Landscapes,
🇲🇹 In Malta: Stefania Papadopol, Birdlife Malta,
🇪🇸 In Spain: Julia Moya, SEO, Milanta,
🇸🇰 In Slovakia: Janka Sykorova,

For information about use in other countries please contact: Janka Sykorova,


In the project, following partners worked together:

Since 1954, the Spanish Ornithological Society (SEO), SPAIN, has been working for the conservation of birds and their habitat, conducting studies to increase knowledge about birds, spreading knowledge, appreciation and respect to birds and nature in general. SEO focuses on practical environmental education and teacher trainings. SEO develops training courses for schoolchildren, youth and adults, maintains collaboration with primary and secondary schools and with universities across Spain.

MILANTA, SPAIN specializes in the renaturalization of spaces, which designs and builds elements to promote biodiversity in schools. It focuses on plants and natural  elements that create gardens to provide homes for flowers, insects and birds. Whilst transforming the spaces, a particular emphasis is placed on co-education and emotional education.

BirdLife MALTA (BLM) is the oldest environmental organisation in Malta, whose mission is to conserve wild birds, their habitats and biodiversity, working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources. Through community engagement projects and nature reserves, Birdlife Malta helps to create homes for nature and safe places for migratory and resident birds. BirdLife Malta’s education mission is to connect people with nature, through formal and informal programmes, with the emphasis on experiential learning.

SOS/Birdlife Slovensko, SLOVAKIA, is a part of Birdlife international. The organisation fulfils its mission through bird monitoring and practical protection (nest boxes, nest platforms, management of habitats, creation of wetlands). Environmental education is an important part of their work, aimed at increasing public awareness (through lectures and excursions, voluntary camps, publications and educational programmes).

Learning through landscapes, UK, is the UK’s leading charity specialising in outdoor learning and play in education. LtL expertise is based on 30 years’ experience of practical action and research. Ltl aims to enable children to connect with nature, be more active, more engaged with their learning, develop their social skills and have fun outdoors! Also, LtL has rich experience with development of teacher training programmes focused on the use of the outdoors. In addition to providing methodological support to teachers, Ltl has also an expertise in changing the schools grounds, linking to outdoor learning and play and providing teachers ´support in this field.

Presov university, SLOVAKIA, Faculty of education, Department of pre – primary and primary pedagogy and psychology, develops and runs academic programmes for future teachers of early years and lower primary level. In addition to these, they have an experience with implementing programmes focused on social & emotional education, as well as carrying out the research. The department has an experience with developing methodological materials related to outdoor education, gained through TAKE ME OUT ERASMUS+ project.

INAK, SLOVAKIA, is an NGO, that tries to do things DIFFERENTLY/“INaK“, if possible, „Innovatively and Creatively“. „INaK“ was established in 2014, as the team of people experienced in the field of using innovative approaches, activating methods and ICTs in education, with the experience of development of didactic materials, project management, running of educational trainings, as well as the other activities from the field of innovative education. Through our activities, we aim to support the development of human resources. We focus on the use of innovative approaches, using creative methods in the educational process and whilst working with a variety of target groups – children, youth and adults. Our projects enhance lifelong learning and help to develop key competences. INAK initiated and led this partnership based on the previous successful international project TAKE ME OUT ERASMUS+, that is this project, SEL for SCHOOLS, based upon.